WordPress Projects

I build, launch, and deploy WordPress websites for clients with PHP. I create and edit WordPress themes. I also debug errors, secure and backup websites. I can import websites from different platforms to WordPress. I design and develop new features for websites.

Librarian Portfolio Site
Author Website

Free Code Camp Projects

I built several projects for Responsive Web Design and Front End Libraries courses. I created web applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I implemented front end libraries such as Bootstrap, jQuery, React and Redux.

Tribute Page
Free Code Camp Portfolio Website
Product Landing Page
Quote Generator
Technical Documentation Page
Product Landing Page

Skillcrush Projects

I build projects with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery. I wireframe and design PSD comp. I translate these PSD comps into static websites. I improve website functionality and validate code for bugs. I track and add to projects with Git and Github.

Skillcrush Portfolio website
Email Sign Up page
Jubilee Austen website
Magic 8 Ball Project
Election Map
LOL Cat Clock Project

100 Days of Code Challenge

I build websites for 100 days for 1 hour a day. I used HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery to create web applications based on prompts from the 30 Days, 30 Sites Challenge, Free Code Camp, and Daily CSS Images. During round two in summer 2019, I updated projects I made during round one to be more semantic code and fit current coding standards.

Rapunzel Portfolio Website
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American Girl Toy Website
Wedding Website
Movie Website
Tourist Attraction Website

CodePlayer Projects

I have built several projects based on CodePlayer tutorials on their website. These projects are made with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.

Pinterest Layout web page
Snow Effect web page
Holiday lights web page
Image Accordion Effect web page
Matrix Rain web page
multistep-form web page
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